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Issue : Webhooks are getting removed automatically in Servicem8

Hello Tech Team,

We have subscribed to webhook to get the latest updated records from servicem8 which we can show on our website panels. To implement the webhooks, we have followed your official documentation (https://developer.servicem8.com/docs/webhooks-overview) and accordingly implemented it in our Project.

After implementing it, it was working fine and we were getting updated data from servicem8 properly. However, after a couple of weeks, the webhook endpoint entries started disappearing and due to this, it stopped receiving updated data from servicem8.
This has happened 3 times with us in this period. To solve this, every time, we are creating it again and then all of sudden, it’s stopping. Now, we would like you to check why it is getting removed?

Let us know if you need servicem8 login details to check further.

This is causing major disruption for our clients and raising red flags as they have a large client base that uses this platform. We cannot afford to experience these issues moving forward and need a solution to prevent from re-occurring. Can you please attend to this on priority?